We delivered our first bouquet of flowers in 1947 and haven't slowed down since. Each bouquet from Eflorist is carefully designed with the lucky recipient in mind. With same day or next day delivery available on our beautiful collection of flowers, whatever the reason we offer a convenient solution to sending that special gift. Eflorist is committed to supporting our growers, dedicating resources to the farming communities across the world and choosing British growers where possible. We have an extensive range of courier flowers, which are carefully packaged and sent via tracked delivery. We're proud to support our local high streets, working closely with over 1,500 florist members who craft and hand-deliver our bouquets each day
Bloom & Wild Germany
Hi, wir sind Bloom & Wild. Wir senden nicht einfach nur Blumen, wir helfen dir anderen zu zeigen, dass du für sie da bist. Wir glauben, dass das Bestellen und Schenken von Blumen so schön sein sollte wie die Blumen selbst. Schnell und einfach – so wie das Versenden einer Nachricht. Mit wenigen Klicks kannst du in Sekundenschnelle stilvolle Blumengeschenke verschicken. Egal, ob du sagen möchtest “Danke, dass du für mich da bist”, “Herzlichen Glückwunsch” oder “Willkommen Baby” wir haben immer den passenden Strauß und Geschenk dafür. Denn wir finden, unerwartete Blumengeschenke sind mit die schönsten Gesten.
Sunny Flower Delivery is committed to quality and service. Our guarantee is our personal commitment to our customers to create long term relationships. Your satisfaction is our Number One priority, not just because it’s our job, but because we really do care.We understand the importance of every floral order. For over two decades, Sunny Flower Delivery has taken great pride in our unbeatable commitment to customer satisfaction. From our family to yours, we thank you for entrusting us to deliver your flowers. We promise to do our best to satisfy you!We send flowers to most any location, and we have relationships with both local florists and flower growers. Not only does this help ensure the gifts you send are delivered on time, but it also means they are as fresh as possible and deliver a great value to both the receiver and the person who sends flowers. Our customer service team is standing by to help you with any order. Whether you’re sending a dozen roses to celebrate your love or a gift basket to congratulate a co-worker – if you have questions, our team has answers. Just call (855) 874-5781 or place your order online. We will help you find and deliver the perfect flowers, plants, or gift to celebrate life’s most meaningful momentsYou’ll find bouquets for all occasions: birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, Just Because, New Baby, Love & Romance, I’m Sorry, Get Well, and Sympathy. And we also have the right flower arrangements for all holidays: Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Halloween. We offer many different rose colors and flower arrangements: red, pink, yellow, peach, purple, and white. Whether you’re looking for a flower bouquet or a potted plant, our variety of flowers and gifts provide you plenty of choices. Same-day flower delivery is available throughout Spring, Winter, Summer and Fall. All you have to do is place your order by 2:00 pm of the recipient time.
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